More Information
Dr. Kanwar’s research interests are in the areas of irrigation, drainage, groundwater quality, animal waste management, water table management, sustainable agricultural production systems, and modeling of hydrologic systems.
Broader Impact
Dr. Kanwar has articipated in international development projects either as a team member or consultant, working for the World Bank, GEF, EU, FAO, USAID, NATO, and international universities/governments in Belgium, Portugal, Kenya, Ethiopia, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, India, China, Thailand, Japan, and 45 other countries.
Key Environmental Science Publications
Kanwar., R.S. 2010. Sustainable Water Systems for Agriculture and 21st Century Challenges. Journal of Crop Improvement 24:1-19, 2010
Guzman, J., G.A. Fox, R. Malone, and R.S. Kanwar. 2009. Escherichia coli transport from surface applied manure to subsurface drains through artificial biopores. Journal of Environmental Quality 28(6): 2412-2421
Baksh, A., R.S. Kanwar, J.L. Baker, J. Sawyer, and A. Mallarino. 2009. Annual swine manure application to soybean under corn-soybean rotation. TRANSACTIONS of the ASABE 52 (3): 751-757
Bakhsh, A. and R.S. Kanwar. 2008. Soil and landscape attributes interpret subsurface drainage clusters. Australian Journal of Soil Research 46(8):1-10